How to Faithfully Apply Decisions in Personal Life

August 27, 2010

In a previous blog, "What can we learn from Dion," I raised the question: Why is Dion so different? I wrote about how he decides and implements without wavering, without wasting energy doing the transition from decision to implementation.Most mortals, myself included, decide but then stew and sweat, struggling back and forth about implementing the decision we already made (for instance think how difficult is to actually stop smoking although you decided to do so) to the point that many decisions never get implemented. Those decisions that do get implemented only resemble the original decision, and I’m using "resemble” loosely.In my consulting practice for organizations, I have solved this problem of how to implement decisions correctly.For decisions to be implemented correctly, we must have a united, common interest to see them implemented correctly. Thus, in the Adizes Methodology, we assemble the CAPI group necessary to solve the problem, and we give them the assignment to solve it.In other words, we make sure that all interests are aligned and seek a common good. This method, as those that practice Adizes know from experience, works perfectly well and decisions, even some very painful ones (like major structural corporate organizational changes), are implemented without deviation from the original decision. Change is swift and without much wasted energy, like the way Dion implements personal decisions. But how can we apply what we know how to do for companies to our personal lives and be like Dion?Dr. Douglas Lisle, an esoteric psychologist, gave me an insight-- an end of a string, which might solve this riddle. He said we have difficulty implementing our decisions because we have multiple agendas (like having multiple interests in a company). It is easier when we have a single agenda. “Aha,” I said to myself, “that is the case with Dion.” He truly has a single agenda, which is his health. Everything else is not even a second priority.I believe (E)s have the greatest problems with implementation. (E)s want to have their cake and eat it, too. They want everything. They want to make the maximum money possible, yet also have the maximum balanced life at the same time. (E)s want to travel a lot and still have a family life; they want to work very long hours and still have well adjusted kids. They want it all, although having anything done requires making choices because time and energy are fixed entities.They hate making choices that sacrifice their “wants,” seemingly relying on a miracle to make it all happen.Now note when do we finally have a single agenda? Our priorities align when forced on us by external factors. For example, a small heart attack will cause a shift in our priorities. Aha, after this close encounter with death, we discover religion and become committed to a single goal: our survival. Or perhaps, we go Chapter Eleven, or our wife serves us divorce papers. Now we drop everything and focus. Obviously, these are not recommended medicines for the malady.Let us learn from what we do to help companies make decisions they do implement. They do not have common interests either. They hire us to develop it. We get hired by companies: to develop common solutions to their problems and coach them till their problems are gone and they have the knowledge and experience on how to make and implement future decisions.If we apply this to personal life it seems to me that the answer is to have a coach, a lifestyle coach, a nutrition coach, and or a personal trainer, depending on which commitment you need help with.If you can’t make your decisions stick don’t despair; you are in good company. Get help. The book of Jewish wisdom says, "No prisoner frees himself of his chains.” We need each other. The sooner you admit this, the sooner you will be a better person.

Written by
Dr. Ichak Adizes