Integration For Long-Term Efficiency

August 5, 2022

In order for a system, a company, a family, a country, to be sustainably successful in the long run, it needs to be healthy. And for to be healthy, it needs to be effective and efficient in the short and in the long run.It needs to get the job done for which the organization exists. And you as a person exist for some purpose as well and when you know your purpose you are effective and you are much happier.

So you have to perform the first role to be effective and satisfy the needs of your clients.And you have to do it efficiently too. For that, you need the (A) role, administration. This role does the right things, at the right time, in the right order, and in the right sequence so we don't waste energy exploring what to do. There is a system that will systematize success into a routine, into a protocol, and now we can predict the outcome because we have a protocol.

And what will make you effective in the long run? You have to take into account what is going to happen because of change. You have to plan. This means you must decide today what you are going to do to prepare for tomorrow.You have to be risk-taking and you have to be creative, you have to be entrepreneurial. That is the (E) role.

If you perform the 3 roles, (P), (A), and (E), perform, administer, and entrepreneur, you will be effective in the short and the long run and you will be efficient in the short run. But what about efficiency in the long run?

In order to be efficient in the long run, we need to integrate. And what does it mean to integrate? To transform organizational consciousness from mechanistic to organic. Now, what does consciousness mean? It’s more than awareness. For me, consciousness is to be aware of the repercussions of what you are aware of.

For instance, you are aware that it's cold outside. But you become conscious when you realize what this cold can do to you. What kind of disease you can get from this cold?

To achieve organizational efficiency in the long run you need to transform organizational consciousness from mechanistic to organic. And what does it mean?

Look at a chair. It can serve the purpose of why it exists. To sit. It looks quite efficient. No part is unnecessary. Everything there is necessary, thus, no waste. But what will happen to this chair if one leg breaks down? It’s not going to be able to perform its role. You will not be able to sit on it. Now the question is, why doesn’t one of its other legs move to the center of the chair, creating a tripod, so the functionality of the chair can continue? It will not happen. Why? There is no internal interdependency consciousness. In business, it is called a silo. I take care of myself, I don’t care what happens to others. It is different from the hand. Look at the hand. Works like a hand. What will happen if one finger breaks down? The other fingers will collaborate, support, and take the place of the broken finger. And the hand will continue functioning because they are integrated. They are organically conscious of each other. And it doesn’t have to be physical. If your little child is in pain, you are in pain, because you care for the other.

You are conscious of each other. So the role of integration is to create organic interdependency, away from mechanistic interdependency.

Mechanistic interdependency brings consultants, coaches, and organizational psychologists from the outside.Like somebody fixing the chair from the outside. We do the same thing with drugs. We bring drugs from the outside to take care of the malady on the inside. Now imagine you can heal yourself. Imagine if the chair could heal itself. Imagine if the organization could heal itself. That is organic consciousness.

You need some mechanistic consciousness when organic does not work. Because sometimes it does not. So you need a minimum of that. But the maximum should be organic consciousness. And what is the maximum integration? Maximum organic consciousness is Love.

Love. We are one. What happens to you happens to me. Your pain is my pain. Your happiness is my happiness. The more love the healthier you are. The longer you will live. The more integration in your life, the more you will live. It should relate upwards, downwards, and sideways. Integrate with the people to whom you report. Integrate with the people who work with you. Integrate with the people that work for you. Integrate in all directions. If you are only integrating up, but not down you are like a bicycle rider. You move forward by pushing down. If you perform the (A) and (P) roles, you will be profitable in the short run. You satisfy client needs for which you get the fees. And the most efficient way, which is (A), the difference is profit in the short run.

For-profit in the long run, you need (E) and (I) too. You need to look at the long run and you don’t waste energy as you are approaching the future. We can look at how it applies to a car. So we can look at the car and understand these four roles. The engine fulfills the (P) purpose. That's why the car exists to move from one place to the other. Transportation. The steering wheel is the (E). Change. Because the world is changing, the road is changing, and we need to be changing. The brakes are the (A). They remind you to watch and don’t go too crazy. And the (I) is the electrical system and the oil system.

There are other applications that we will cover next time, but the important thing to realize, that I want to summarize, is that in order to handle change constructively you need to be healthy. Or change will make you die sooner. You will develop diseases sooner. You need to be healthy. Whom is Corona killing? Not so many healthy people. It’s killing mostly those that are unhealthy because they cannot handle change.

In order to be healthy, you need the four roles, (P) (A) (E) and (I), which make the organization effective and efficient in the short and in the long run.

Written by
Dr. Ichak Adizes