The Art of Decision Making: Balancing the Head and the Heart

April 21, 2023

As a business consultant and relationship expert, I have seen time and again how the art of decision-making can make or break individuals, couples, and businesses. In today's fast-paced world, we are often faced with complex choices that require careful consideration. In my years of experience and research, I have come to believe that the most effective decision-making process involves consulting both the head and the heart, and in a certain order.

When it comes to decision-making, the head represents our logical and analytical side. It is where we process information, analyze data, and weigh pros and cons. It is the voice of reason that guides us with rationality and practicality. However, decision-making based solely on logic and analysis can sometimes lead to narrow perspectives and missed opportunities.

On the other hand, the heart represents our emotional and intuitive side. It is where we process our values, emotions, and inner wisdom. It is the source of our intuition and gut feelings. The heart helps us connect with our deeper purpose and sense of what is right and wrong. Ignoring the heart in decision-making can lead to decisions that lack authenticity and alignment with our core values.

So, my approach to decision-making is to consult the heart first: does the problem need to be addressed or am I just acting with a hurt ego? Should I address the problem or maybe I am taking over and dominating unnecessarily the decision-making process? Ask your heart how it feels to get involved with analyzing and solving the problem. If the response is a positive, move to the head now, where we gather and process information logically and come to a logical analysis of the problem or its solution. Next, step back to the heart. We need to consult the heart, where we tap into our emotions, values, and intuition. How do we feel about our conclusions? It is like consulting our intuition. This balanced approach allows us to make decisions that are not only grounded in reason but also aligned with our values and emotions.

Let me illustrate this concept with an example from the business world. In a recent case study, a company was considering a merger with another company to expand its market share. The head, represented by the management team, was enthusiastic about the financial benefits and potential for growth. However, they ignored the heart, which represented the concerns of the employees and customers who valued the company's unique culture and identity. As a result, after the merger, the company faced significant cultural clashes and employee turnover, leading to a decline in customer loyalty and ultimately, financial losses. This could have been avoided if they had consulted both the head and the heart in their decision-making process.

The heart is also a powerful tool in personal relationships. Many couples make decisions based solely on practicality or societal expectations, without considering their emotions and values. For instance, a couple might decide to move to a different city for a job opportunity without fully considering the emotional impact on their relationship and family. This can lead to strain and dissatisfaction in the relationship, as their heart's desires and values were not fully taken into account.

Incorporating heartfulness meditation into our decision-making process can be a valuable tool. Heartfulness meditation is a practice that helps us connect with our heart's wisdom and develop emotional intelligence. It involves sitting in silence and turning our attention to the heart while experiencing feelings of love, compassion, and gratitude. This practice allows us to access our inner guidance and align our decisions with our heart's desires and values.

As Daaji, the heartfulness leader, once said, "The heart is the epicenter of our being. It is the core of our existence. Our minds are like a river, and our hearts are like the ocean. Everything that flows into our minds must pass through our hearts." This quote beautifully captures the essence of consulting the heart in our decision-making process.

Written by
Dr. Ichak Adizes