Where is God?

December 24, 2010

During the Jewish High Holidays I go to the synagogue and I am always taken back by the descriptions of God in the prayer book. He (the Deity is somehow always a “HE”) sits on a high throne bameromim -- which means up there somewhere in space. He sees it all, is all powerful, arranges the stars and the moon and the sun, can be forgiving but can be also be very vengeful, and so on. And God is not alone up there. There are angels to serve him. And in the Bible there is the devil who does not necessarily listen to God very well. On the contrary, the devil tries to undermine God's work, even sabotage it.Recently I was watching a program on public TV on the Greek mythology. “Wait a moment,” I said to myself. “These descriptions of Zeus sound awfully familiar.”I do not know who influenced whom, but it seems to me that the Judeo-Christian perception of God is somewhat similar to the perception of Zeus by the ancient Greeks. Just as Zeus is all-powerful and is surrounded by other Gods, our God has angels. And just as Zeus was not always listened to, our God has the Devil to challenge him.I felt uncomfortable with these descriptions and I wondered: If I set those locations, descriptions, and pronouns aside where is God? What is it?In another blog I presented an idea that the human body has no manager. The system is managing itself.Using this as an analogy, can we say that there is no God sitting on a high chair watching us through godly binoculars, either? That there is no Zeus-inspired figure arranging the world?I believe God is a system, and every part of the system is part of God. A system means not just the various components of the system, but the relationship between the components too.What makes the components of any system work well together? From Adizes theory, we already know the answer: mutual trust and respect. Synergetic and symbiotic relationships that operate smoothly when the relationships are transparent.If God is a system, and the system consists of the components and their relationships, then nurturing Mutual Trust and Respect is serving God ... and violating MT&R is a violation of God!And we can take the idea even further: If MT&R is absolute (I)ntegration, and if absolute (I)integration is LOVE, then God is love! This means that all those who hate in the name of God are not serving God at all.Many theologians have reached the same conclusions. I now understand them.Sincerely,Dr. Ichak Kalderon Adizes

Written by
Dr. Ichak Adizes